Radioactivity Dynamics in Forests
= Movement in and out of Forests =
Q In what kinds of land use is radioactive cesium deposited? How much is deposited?
Q I heard most of the forests would not be decontaminated. Does cesium remain in the forests?
Q How much radioactive cesium is released from forests? How much radioactive cesium flows into the sea?
Q Will clean areas be contaminated due to radioactive cesium flowing out of forests?
Q Will airborne pollen containing radioactive cesium come from forests and affect human health?
Q When it rains, does radioactive cesium flow out of forests with soil? 【137Cs flow in heavy rain】
Q When it rains, does radioactive cesium flow out of forests with soil? 【137Cs flow from river basins and mountain slope】
Q When it rains, does radioactive cesium flow out of forests with soil? 【Tendency of the change of the 137Cs concentration in soil】
Q When it rains, does radioactive cesium flow out of forests with soil? 【Relationship between the coverage rate of forest floor and flowing rate from forests】
Q Is radioactive cesium in forests dispersed by wind? 【Near forests】
Q Is radioactive cesium in forests dispersed by wind? 【Airy places】
Q Where is radioactive cesium deposited in forests, and how much? How do the locations and amounts change over time?
Q What is the mechanism of radioactive cesium migration in the depth direction? 【Example of analysis】
Q Is the environmental dynamics of radioactive cesium released by the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi NPS any different from that near Chernobyl after the Chernobyl disaster?
Q How much do we know now about the movement of radioactive cesium in the forest-stream ecosystems?
= Movement in Forests =
Q Do radioactive cesium concentrations in trees increase over time? If so, can such trees be used as timber?
Q In future, what will be radiation exposures to forest workers? Are there any methods to reduce it?
Q Does the concentration of radioactive cesium deposited in mountain forests vary by altitude and location?
Q How do air dose rates in forests change with time?
Q Does radioactive cesium move from the ground surface to underground or into groundwater? 【Movement in the water flow in the litter layer】
Q Does radioactive cesium move from the ground surface to underground or into groundwater? 【Movement in underground water】
Q Does radioactive cesium move from the ground surface to underground or into groundwater? 【Vertical movement in soil】
Q How does radioactive cesium in forests move from trees to the ground surface? 【Movement in throughfall and stemflow】
Q How does radioactive cesium in forests move from trees to the ground surface? 【Movement as particulate and dissolved states】
Q Does forest type (deciduous broad-leaf forests or cedar forests) affect the dynamics of radioactive Cs?
Q How does the distribution of radioactive cesium concentrations in forests change over time? 【Example of analysis】
Q Will cesium distribution in forests continue to change in the future?
Q Where does radioactive cesium absorbed in cedar wood come from?
Q What is the relationship between the movement of cesium in forests and air dose rates?
Q Is the downward migration of radioactive cesium in forest soils in Japan after the Fukushima accident any different from the movement of radioactive cesium around Chernobyl after the Chernobyl disaster?
Q Do radioactive cesium concentrations in trees change season to season?
Q What kind of changes did radioactive cesium concentrations in wood and bark of trees contaminated by the nuclear accident go through over 10 years since the accident?
Q What kind of changes did radioactive cesium in forest soil contaminated by the nuclear accident go through over 10 years since the accident?
Q How is it considered that radioactive cesium-137 (137Cs) concentrations on the forest surface (forest floor) in Fukushima prefecture will change in the future?
Q Did low-dose radiation exposure in Fukushima prefecture affect de novo mutations of the next generation of trees?