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Radioactivity Dynamics in forests


In future, what will be radiation exposures to forest workers? Are there any methods to reduce it?

It is possible to estimate radiation exposure of a worker from air dose rates in the working places. The radiation exposure can be reduced by using silviculture equipment or wearing radiation-protective suit.

  • The external radiation dose per unit area becomes high with the increase of working time.
  • Radiation doses of workers in heavy machine tend to be lower than those of outside workers.
  • External radiation doses of workers wearing radiation-protective suits are reduced by 15-20%.
  • When special radiation-shielding sheets are used in a driver’s seat of a heavy machine, the radiation dose of the operator is reduced by about 5%.

External radiation dose per unit area for various works

Fig.1 External radiation dose per unit area for various works

External radiation dose per unit time for various works

Fig.2 External radiation dose per unit time for various works

Reference :Text edition “Forests・Wood and Radioactive Materials 2015 (the Forestry Agency)


  1. 国土防災技術株式会社(2015): 「平成26年度森林における除染等実証事業」のうち「避難指示解除準備区域等における実証事業(田村市)」報告書, 国土防災技術株式会社, 69p.