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Case of Juman Mountain Forest Fire in 2017


How much did the amount or the concentration of Cs released to river water by forest fire? How did them change by time?

The release rate of radioactive cesium was higher in the burned area than that previously observed. It is assumeed that the release rate becomes same level of the unburned area with the plant coverage recovering in burned area.

  • JAEA has observed the release of radioactive cesium about a half year from 1 month after the extinguishment.
  • In the result of the monitoring, the release rate of radioactive cesium was higher in the burned area than that previously observed because the plant coverage decreased in the burned area.
  • For the reason above, it is considered that the release rate becomes same level of the unburned area with the plant coverage recovering in burned area.

Table 1 Other data of the release observation

Place Vegetation Release rate
Upper area of Uda river Japanese red pine, ceder, broad-leaved trees, Japanese cypress 0.086~1.1%
(Coverage 5~95%)
錦織 et al., 2015
Kawamata Town Japanese ceder 0.07%
(Coverage 95%)
Yoshimura et al., 2015
Broad-leaved trees 0.05~0.12%
(Coverage 86~99%)
Niizato et al.,2016
Broad-leaved trees (decontaminated) 0.84%
(Coverage 30~50%)
渡辺et al., 2019