Assessment of Exposure Doses and Decontamination
= General =
Q In what ways does exposure to radiation occur the environment? What kinds of radiation exposures are important in Fukushima?
Q What were the radiation exposures just after the accident?
Q What kind of unit is used for the evaluation of radiation dose? What is the relationship between the unit and air dose rates?
= Internal Exposure =
Q How is radioactivity in foods measured? What are the radiation doses from foods?
Q How is radioactivity measured in drinking water? What are the results?
Q How is the concentration of radioactive cesium measured in air? What is the radiation dose by breathing?
Q How can we evaluate radioactive material taken inside our body?
Q Does radioactive cesium in edible wild plants reduce through cooking? If so, by how much?
= External Exposure =
Q What kinds of measurements and evaluations for radiation doses have been conducted until now? What are the results?
Q Is it possible to precisely estimate radiation doses from air dose rates?
Q What is the radiation-shielding effect of a house?(1)
Q What is the radiation-shielding effect of a house? (2)
Q Does the radiation dose measured with a personal dosimeter represent the real radiation dose?
Q Why are radiation doses measured with personal dosimeters different from those estimated using air dose rates?
Q What methods are there for measurement and evaluation of external radiation doses? What are the characteristics of each method?
Q Does the radiation dose of a person depend on age, gender, race, and physique?
Q What efforts are you making to release the difficult-to-return zones where residents can feel safe?
= Decontamination =
Q To what degree is the air dose rate reduced by decontamination?
Q Is the effectiveness of decontamination predictable?
Q Does radioactive Cs migrate from reused soils that have been stripped during decontamination?
Q Is there any way to efficiently remove radioactive Cs from contaminated soil?
Q How much will the air dose rate be reduced by decontamination in the Specified Reconstruction and Revitalization Base areas? 【Example of analysis】
Q Urban areas have been decontaminated. Is there any residual cesium there?
Q Is there any chance that decontaminated areas may be contaminated again, increasing the air dose rates?
Q When soil generated by decontamination is stored in containers for a long time, is there any possibility that the soil may leak from the containers?
Q Is it possible for agricultural produce to be bred in areas where soil generated by decontamination was stored temporarily (former temporary storage sites), and will it be safe?
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