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Assessment of Exposure Doses and Decontamination


Is it possible to precisely estimate radiation doses from air dose rates?

Efforts have been made to improve the accuracy of the estimation method based on the air dose rate, and it is now possible to evaluate the actual exposure dose.

Possible cause of the difference

  1. Conversion coefficient from equivalent radiation dose to effective dose is suppsed to be 1 for safety reasons.
  2. Air dose rate changes depending on the place. But this change is not considered.
  3. Simple assumption is generally used for staying time.

⇒ Solution

  1. For the conversion coefficient, the value of 0.6 is used on the basis of a simulation using a human body model.
  2. Conduct detailed investigations about daily lifestyles. Measure air dose rates specifically upon hearing the results.
  3. Radiation dose is evaluated by multiplying the occupation time obtained from the investigations and the air dose rates measured in the high occupancy locations.

Estimation of radiation dose based on action patterns in daily life
Estimation of radiation dose based on action patterns in daily life

On the basis of daily patterns and corresponding data on air dose rates, radiation dose specific to lifestyle is estimated.
※ Figure is not real data, but an example of visualization.