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Radioactivity Dynamics in forests


When it rains, does radioactive cesium flow out of forests with soil? 【Relationship between the coverage rate of forest floor and flowing rate from forests】

The amount of outflow of 137Cs from forest floor is tend to decrease together with an increase of the coverage rate of the forest floor by fallen leaves and branches.

When it rains, raindrops impact to forest floor send fallen leaves, fallen branches and soil particles flying (raindrop erosion). Together with it, 137Cs outflows from the forest floor. (Figure 1)

Investgation in Kawamata Town in Fukushima Pref. reveals that 137Cs outflow rate of this mechanism is 0.5-2.1 % in about a month (Oct 4-24, 2017). The amount of outflow of 137Cs from forest floor is tend to decrease together with an increase of the coverage rate of forest floor by fallen leaves and branches.(Table 1)

  • Sending soil particle flying by impact of a raindrop

    Fig.1 Sending soil particle flying by impact of a raindrop

  • Morgan-type splash cup(stainless steel, outer diameter 30cm,inner diameter 10cm,height 10cm)

    Fig.2 Morgan-type splash cup(stainless steel, outer diameter 30cm,inner diameter 10cm,height 10cm)

    A hole is center of the splash cup in order to exposure the forest floor. When a raindrop hit this part, soil particles are send flying and gathered in a collection tray.

Table 1 Coverage rate of the forest floor and outflow rate of 137Cs

Coverage rate by fallen leaves, branches, etc. Amount of the soil move into downstream of the slope Amount of outflow of 137Cs Amount of 137Cs in the soil around investigation point Outflow rate of 137Cs
5.1 % 21.2 g/m2 710 Bq/m2 33,929 Bq/m2 2.1 %
48.2 % 11.3 g/m2 295 Bq/m2 0.9 %
95.4 % 8.5 g/m2 523 Bq/m2 101,595 Bq/m2 0.5 %