Radioactivity Dynamics in forests
QDoes radioactive cesium move from the ground surface to underground and into groundwater?【Vertical movement in soil】
AWe have found that radioactive cesium in soil scarcely moves to deeper regions.
- A survey in Kawauchi Village, Fukushima Prefecture, shows that the depth distribution of radioactive cesium slightly widened in the depth direction over time.
- Distribution tends to be deeper in slopes than in flat ground such as ridges and paths through forests.
Fig.1 Depth distribution of 137Cs concentrations in forest soil
(Data on the mineral layer [A to B layers] except for the surface organic layer)
Sampled at two different times (Sampling time: January 2013 and October 2014)
Fig.2 Sampling locations
Fig.3 Elapsed years since the accident and the ratio to total amount of below-ground 137Cs (%)
(Sample data for Yamakiya, Kawamata Town)
- The amount of 137Cs deposited in the litter layer has been decreasing over time.
- The amount of 137Cs deposited in a 0-3 cm layer of surface soil has been decreasing almost steadily or gradually since 2014.
→ This shows that cesium has hardly migrated from the surface layer to deeper layers, suggesting the possibility that 137Cs remains in the litter layer and the surface soil within a depth of 3 cm.
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