Effects on Ecosystem
QHow have ecosystems changed in evacuation-order zones?
AWe have been monitoring various organisms such as mammals, birds, frogs, and insects since 2014. The data obtained for mammals and birds are publicly available on a website, which is routinely updated.
The monitoring data for mammals and birds are publicly available to researchers in the form of published papers, which is updated from time to time. Distribution maps are also available for easy browsing at the National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) websites: BioWM and KIKI-TORI Map.
This study is conducted by trapping insects within and outside the evacuation-order zones (also in zones where the evacuation order has been canceled).
We have been using statistical modeling to determine whether the data obtained for this study reflects the influence of the evacuation order or is simply coincidental.
The number of individuals of almost all species of polliniferous insects collected in 2014, with the exception of the carpenter bee, was not significantly small in the evacuation-order zones.
Following mammals and birds, data for frogs was released in 2020 in data paper format.
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- 国立環境研究所, JBIF (2015) 生物多様性ウェブマッピングシステム (BioWM), 国立環境研究所 生物・生態系環境研究センター制作. http://www.nies.go.jp/biowm/ (2020年4月10日リニューアル)
- 国立環境研究所(2017)KIKI-TORI マップ, 国立環境研究所 生物・生態系環境研究センター制作. http://www.nies.go.jp/kikitori/contents/map/index.html (2020年12月10日閲覧)
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