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Radioactivity Dynamics in forests


How does the concentration of radioactive cesium in trees change with time? Is radioactive cesium gradually absorbed into trees from roots?

Concentration of radioactive cesium in each part of a tree is changing over time Concentration of radioactive cesium in trees has not changed so much as the years go on. There is no evidence that trees positively absorb radioactive cesium.

  • Concentration of radioactive cesium in each part of a tree is changing with time. Concentration of radioactive cesium in tress of Japanese cedar forests in Kawauchi Village, Otama Village, and Tadami Town, Fukushima Prefecture has been investigated. As a result, it was elucidated that most of the cesium has been remaining in soil and litter layers since 2012.
  • When trees absorb radioactive cesium after the accident, concentration of radioactive cesium in trees is considered to increase. According to the results obtained in above districts, the concentration of radioactive cesium inside of trees is generally still low. So there is no evidence that trees positively absorb cesium.

Fig.1 Distribution ratio of radioactive cesium accumulation by site from 2011 to 2019
Reference:Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Press release, “FY 2019 Results for the Investigation on Radioactive Cesium Distribution in Forests”