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Case of Juman Mountain Forest Fire in 2017


What is the source of radio-cesium in the airborne dust sampling?

Since the radio-cesium deposition amounts are larger in the airborne dust monitoring points (compare to the location of fire), wound up of soil from the ground surface may be the source of high concentration. Further investigation is needed for determination.

  • Correlation between particle number density and 137Cs concentration in dust was observed in all the monitoring points, and therefore, particles posses radio-cesium.
  • In Yasuragi hall, correlation between particle number density and wind velocity was observed and wound up of soil near the monitoring point was considered to be the source.
  • In Ishikuma hall, this correlation was not relevant and the particle number density was order of magnitude higher than others, other phenomenon such as vehicle traffic may be the source.

Correlation between Cs-137 conc. and particle density

Fig.1 Correlation between Cs-137 conc. and particle density

Fig.2 Correlation between particle number density and wind velocity