Radioactivity and Air Dose Rate
QHow were the reliabilities of the environmental measurements verified?
AWe verified the reliabilities of the measurements in three ways:
(1) calibrating the measurement instruments using a standard radiation source with a known accurate intensity
(2) obtaining comparative measurements using multiple measurement instruments
(3) having external experts check the obtained results.
◆ Performance verification of KURAMA-Ⅱsystem
The capability of obtaining measurements at the precision specified by the criteria in the JIS standard was verified using a standard radiation source.
Fig.1 Calibration system with a standard radiation source
Fig.2 Fluctuations of measured values by direction of incidence
Fig.3 Fluctuations of measured values by energy
(Tsuda et al, 139: 260-265 (2015))
In addition to checking the measurement systems and methods by calibrating and comparing the measurement instruments, the validity of the measurement results was verified by a committee of external experts.
◆ Comparison of in situ measurements using a portable Ge semiconductor detector
Fig.4 Scene showing comparison of results
Fig.5 Results of comparison
Similar inventory values were checked to ensure that they had been measured at the same position.
(Mikami et al., Jpn J Health Phys, 50: 182-188 (2015))
◆ Comparison of soil sample measurements using a stationary Ge semiconductor detector
Fig.6 Scene showing sample comparison
Fig.7 Results of comparison
Similar nuclide concentration values were checked to ensure that they had been measured on a common sample.
(Report on Preparation of Distribution Map of Radiation Doses, etc. (Part 1))
Related articles
- Tsuda, S., Yoshida, T., Tsutsumi, M. and Saito, K. (2015): Characteristics and verification of a car-borne system for dose rate in air: KURAMA-II, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, vol. 139, 260-265.
- Mikami, S., Sato, S., Hoshide, Y., Sakamoto, R., Okuda, N. and Saito, K. (2015): In situ gamma spectrometry intercomparison in Fukushima, Japan, Japanese Journal of Health Physics, vol. 50, no. 3, 182-188.