Analysis of ALPS treated water as third-party
Organization of analysis for ALPS treated water
Based on the governmental policy*1 that ALPS treated water should be discharged into the sea after tritium is diluted to meet the regulatory standard determined by the government, the analysis is conducted by multiple institutes under the following organization.
*1:Inter-Ministerial Council concerning the Continuous Implementation of the Basic Policy on Handling of ALPS Treated Water (April 13, 2021)
Prior to discharging ALPS treated water into the sea, it is required to confirm the tritium concentration and to confirm that the nuclides other than tritium have been purified to below the regulatory standard determined by the government.
The analysis for this confirmation is mainly conducted by Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc. (TEPCO) that implements the discharge into the sea. In addition, JAEA also conducts analysis as a third-party that is independent of TEPCO (third-party analysis) *2
*2:“Report on the Interim Measures for the Handling of ALPS treated Water at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc.”, Inter-Ministerial Council concerning the Continuous Implementation of the Basic Policy on Handling of ALPS Treated Water, p.3 (August, 24, 2021).
Further, JAEA will conduct analysis of ALPS-treated water after the dilution for the time being, according to the request by the government.

※This is a current assumption and it may be changed based on future consideration.
(Reference: Document 1-1, 101st Commision on Supervision and Evaluation of the Specified Nuclear Facilities, provisional translation by JAEA).