
Message from Director General

 I would like to express my sincere appreciation for your continued understanding and support for the activities of the Fukushima Decommissioning Safety Engineering Research Institute, Japan Atomic Energy Agency.

 On April 1, 2024, we changed our organization name from Sector of Fukushima Research and Development to Fukushima Decommissioning Safety Engineering Research Institute, and made a fresh start. We consist of headquarter organizations, which are Strategy and Management Department, Administrative Department, and Safety Administration Department, and research organizations, which are Collaborative Laboratories for Advanced Decommissioning Science, Okuma Analysis and Research Center, and Naraha Center for Remote Control Technology Development.

 Contributing to the environmental restoration of Fukushima and the decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station is placed as an important mission for our business management, and we will put all our efforts in promoting it. As in the past, we will aim to implement research results based on scientific evidence at the decommissioning site and will engage in research and development for making steady progress of environmental restoration and decommissioning and ensuring safety.

 In particular, in preparation for the test removal of fuel debris and the step-by-step expansion of scale, we will continue to conduct research and development such as estimating the properties of fuel debris and the conditions inside the reactor. In addition, we will steadily advance the development of analysis and measurement equipment that helps ensure work safety and reduce exposure risks.

 In order to make nuclear power itself sustainable, we will make efforts to create value by expanding the research results not only to nuclear power-related projects but also to other fields.

 Based on the basic premise of “always giving top priority to safety,” Fukushima Decommissioning Safety Engineering Research Institute will aim to improve and innovate technology, strengthen collaboration with local communities, and realize a sustainable future.

 We will value communication with local communities and citizens and strive to provide clear and easy-to-understand information.

Yasuaki MIYAMOTO Director General



Main research and development

Business policy (excerpt from medium- to long-term plan)

 In addition to safely, reliably, and quickly promoting the technically difficult decommissioning process such as fuel debris removal, we will conduct investigation, research and development for environmental recovery efforts to create an environment where residents can live safely and with peace of mind.

 Regarding these initiatives, we will focus on the ones that can only be carried out by us, taking full advantage of our human resources and research facilities, and taking into account national policies such as the Basic Energy Plan and social needs.

 In addition, in order to maximize our comprehensive strength, our related bases will collaborate, cooperate, and utilize the technology, knowledge, and experience cultivated so far. Furthermore, they will be used for back-end measures for facilities owned by us and will be shared with the world to contribute to improving the safety of nuclear facilities in various countries.


Mar. 2011
Great East Japan Earthquake and the accident of 1F happened. The Fukushima Headquarter was established in JAEA.
May. 2011
The Headquarters of Fukushima Partnership Operations was established (Supervising JAEA’s activities in Fukushima).
Jun. 2011
The Fukushima Office of JAEA was established in Fukushima City.
Jul. 2011
The agreement on the collaboration with Fukushima University was singed.
Mar. 2012
The agreement on the collaboration with the National Institute of Technology, Fukushima College was singed.
The agreement on the collaboration with Fukushima Prefecture was singed.
Apr. 2013
The Nuclear Plant Decommissioning Safety Research Establishment was founded in the Headquarters of Fukushima Partnership Operations.
May. 2013
The agreement on the collaboration with the Tokyo Electric Power Company Inc. was signed.
Aug. 2013
The International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning (IRID) was established. JAEA participated in the IRID as a member.
Apr. 2014
The Sector of Fukushima Research and Development was established (reorganization based on the Reform Plan of JAEA).
Jan. 2015
The agreement on the collaboration with the Nuclear Damage Compensation and Decommissioning Facilitation Corporation (NDF) was singed.
Feb. 2015
The agreement on the collaboration with Iwaki City and Iwaki Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Apr. 2015
The Collaborative Laboratories for Advanced Decommissioning Science (CLADS) was established.
The Iwaki Office opened in Iwaki City.
The basic agreement on the collaboration in Fukushima Prefectural Centre for Environmental Creation was signed.
Sep. 2015
The research and development of the Fukushima Environmental Safety Center started at the Environmental Radiation Centre in Fukushima Prefectural Centre for Environmental Creation (Minamisoma City).
Apr. 2016
The Naraha Center for Remote Control Technology Development (Naraha Town) started in operation.
May. 2016
The research and development at the Fukushima Environmental Safety Center started in the Research Building of the Fukushima Prefectural Centre for Environmental Creation (Miharu Town).
Apr. 2017
The International Collaborative Research Building at the Collaborative Laboratories for Advanced Decommissioning Science (Tomioka Town) started in operation.
Mar. 2018
The Administration Building at the Okuma Analysis and Research Center (Okuma Town) started in operation.
May. 2018
Application for the public offering of "Research Fund for Promoting Nuclear Research and Development and Human Resource Development by Collecting Wisdom (CLADS Fund)" started.
Apr. 2020
The Fukushima Environmental Safety Center was integrated with the Collaborative Laboratories for Advanced Decommissioning Science.
Apr. 2024
Sector of Fukushima Research and Development reorganized as “Fukushima Decommissioning Safety Engineering Research Institute”.